The Resonance-N radar station is a new generation of cognitive radars. The main developer of this complex is AO «SRC REZONANS». In order to speed up the implementation of the most important work on state orders of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation, on September 6, 1991, by order of the Director of the research Institute of long-range radio communications (NIIDAR) No. 232, the research center «RESONANCE»was established.

In 1993. SRC » RESONANCE «was transformed into AOZT «SRC» REZONANS», in 1999 it was renamed to SRC «research center «NIIDAR-REZONANS», and in 2009-to SRC «research center «RESONANCE» (ZAO «SRC REZONANS»).

The main activity of the center is to perform research and development for the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation, in particular, the development of ground-based and air-based meter-range radars.

In the period from 1992 to the present, AO «SRC REZONANS» as the lead performer and co-executor has successfully completed six research projects and three ROC. As a result of the work, five patents for inventions were obtained. The company has a quality management system and a scientific and technical Council. The results of joint research works (Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation, RTI named after A. L. mints, NIIDAR and other organizations) showed that ground-based radars of the new generation should be high-potential, economical in operation,with a minimum amount of design and construction and installation work. In addition, depending on the tasks and the current situation, these radars should ensure their rapid relocation and rapid deployment in new areas of deployment, the ability to build up combat capabilities and select the necessary modification from a number of similar stations executed according to the same design documentation, but differing in basic parameters. With these requirements in mind, the concept of new on-duty long-range detection radars was developed, based on the principles of high factory readiness (VZG) and open architecture.

Since 2002, AO «SRC REZONANS» participates in military-technical cooperation with foreign customers, together with JSC «Rosoboron-export» enters into contracts for the supply of radar «Resonance-N» to a number of foreign countries, and also supplies such radars under already concluded contracts.

High results of the work of the teams of many organizations are marked with gold with a damask tint! In December 2013, a large group of representatives of companies that develop and manufacture military products were awarded prizes and diplomas of the Federal service for military-technical cooperation. The best of the best representatives of the defense industry were awarded the prestigious Golden idea award. The author’s team is named among them –
developers of an effective long-range radar station for detecting low-visibility air targets «Resonance-N» (first prize).

The Golden idea award is approved by the Federal service for military-technical cooperation and is awarded primarily to those who make a significant contribution to the creation of truly world-class equipment.

To date, the «Resonance-N» radar has entered mass production for the defense of the air borders of our homeland, as well as in the «Resonance-N» modification is delivered to other countries of the world. Rezonans-NE is an export version of the radar.